I Heart Huckabees
Here's your triangle, Saff. Triangles. It's filled with triangles. Or maybe the Jaffes would say, er, blankets. Hm. I saw it tonight in the middle of my photo mission, all spur of the moment, and I am so glad I did. A few years back, 2002ish, if you had asked me what my favorite film of the year was, I'd have been waffling over Royal Tenenbaums vs. Amelie. But this year (so far, at least), it's all about I Heart Huckabees. I loved it, and that has very little to do with crushes on Jude Law and Jason Schwartzman, I swear. I'd write a review, but I hate writing reviews, since reviews are always subjective and usually self-important and silly; lord knows the bulk of the reviews on this film, by professional critics and layman moviegoers alike, have been all those things and more, whether the reviewer loved its existentialism satire/comedy schtick or hated the hell out of it. Let's just say I thought it was smart, funny, well acted, and interesting, and had one hell of a cast. I don't like Mark Whalberg, generally, but I even loved his soul-searching fireman character. The top five films after last weekend were (in no particular order) Shark Tale, that goddamned J-Lo movie, The Grudge, Friday Night Lights, and Team America. I swear to St. Friggidyfrack, aside from Team America, which came in a distant fifth, this country has no taste in film.
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I'd like to see this film when over there. We will probably get it eons later.
I can see that "Emily" person has been making her rounds spamming peoples blogs. Grrr. Hope Blogger is on top of the issue.
I don’t know nothing about that film until now, that usual happens in my country because a little of lag about when movies show on screen.
I sew the page about the film, IMDB and watch the trailer and I think I will love it. I like Jude Law and if we talking about David O. Russell I like Three kings until the end that is more like and Disney ending and don’t match the rest of the film, about Mark Wahlberg I haven’t nothing against him but I don’t think he is a good actor in performance, but no bad actor at the same time, some of they films are no so bad like the Italian Job or The perfect Storm but some are crap like Planets of the apes (sorry Mr. Burton).
Thank you for show me that movie :)
Oh oh oh, okay, if you didn't like RT (and you are not alone, plenty of people think Wes Anderson is just pretentious and off his nut, and I guess I can see that, so I ain't mad atcha, lol) you may a) hate I Heart Huckabees and b) not like Amelie. I like them because these films take smart but lighthearted, even farcical looks at some very serious issues--family disfunction, loneliness, the meaning of life--and that's rather the way I live, without all the cool cinematic effects. And I lurve Matthieu Cassovitz (the love interest in Amelie--I think he directed Gothika stateside, and was in that red-haired giraffe stinker Birthday Girl, but his best stuff is in France--films like Hate/La Haine and Cafe au Lait/Metisse, which is too funny, and stars his real life wife)
And whether you like it or not, you MUST see Team America, if only for the graphic scenes of puppet sex. Seriously. That was the craziest isht I have ever seen.
Oh, and if you need someone to take that copy of RT off your hands, you know where to find me!
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