Pardon my French.
I'm sorry if I offended Ugg/moccasin/mukluk fans with my anti-yak-ass rantage. I think Mars is in my relationship or communications house or something, because I have been one angry bitch lately. But, see, folks have been fucking with me for the past week, and once I get myself worked up into a good angry lather, it's hard to bring myself back down and, you know, chill the fuck out, but I have this sweet public face to maintain, so I end up talkin' shyat about something that really only pisses me off a little. So, you know, mea culpa and shit.
Don't apologize for rants. They're funny. I can see to keep warm but I live in AZ - it's 70 - the UGG/mini skirt combo has got to go.
Keep your head up, Sid!
I'm with Mary. Don't apologize for your rants, Sid! They're really funny. And after all, ranting is what blogging's all about.
With my impassioned defense of Uggs, you'd think I actually own a pair. I actually own a pair of dorky-ass moon boots that my co-workers make fun of me for. I don't care because my feet are toasty warm and dry, even if I look like an 1960's TV astronaut,
Mary said a mouthful! They are ugly and they shouldn't be worn for fashion sake...they were created out of necessity not fashion.
Rant away. The boots can be fine... but its when they pair it with butt crunching skirts as mentioned in the previous posts.
What is even funnier is seeing aussie chicks wear these moccasin style boots... in the heat of bloody summer! I just want to slap them with my flip flops
... back....
or or or or better yet... when they sport those trucker caps, the uggs/moccs AND the mini skirt. ARRRRRRRRRRRGH!
I feel your pain Sid. I see them everyday in all colors of the rainbow. The pink really gets under my skin. And most people by the faux fur boots. How many more plush animals must be sacrificed for this god awful fashion trend?!?!
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