
Sunday, December 18, 2005

I just don't understand men.

Me, this evening, hiding in the farthest corner of a coffee shop: Dark circles from lack of sleep? Check. Oldest, pilliest sweater and rattiest hiking boots in my possession? Donned. Unwashed, frizzy curls swept back into low pony? Yup. Resume-tweaking scowl aimed at laptop screen? In place. All systems unsexy. So naturally somebody tries to pick me up. Clearly. Of course. Hell, I was so caught off guard it almost worked. If I hadn't been in the process of plotting my escape from New York, a mission I'd been putting off for days, I might be chillin' over some nutcrackers right now. Oh, apparently those are drinks, by the way, not any sort of dirty inn-ya-enda. So get your mind out of the gutter, thanks. Can somebody please to explain this? I mean, did the fact that I clearly was not interested in meeting anybody today act in my favor or something? Wha? Why?


At 12/18/2005 11:03:00 PM, Blogger Viv said...

My guess (because I apparently have the "Weirdos! Approach me!" look) is that you gave off the "I don't care about you vibe," which some people either see as confidence or as a challenge. But then again, what the hell do I know?

At 12/19/2005 09:35:00 AM, Blogger Fresh said...

Check that one off've got it!

At 12/19/2005 12:19:00 PM, Blogger K. said...

I'm always getting hit on when I look like shit. (Hair all over the place, ratty t-shirt and jeans, etc.) And sometimes by decent lookin' non crazy fellas. I personally think it's some higher power toying with my fragile self esteem. Or guys that think because I look like shit, I'm desperate and will go for anything.

At 12/19/2005 12:40:00 PM, Blogger QuietlyGoingMad said...

It doesn't matter if I'm looking good, bad, ratty, hungover--only the crazy folk like to hit on me and the MUST be over 50. I really send out some 'i love the crazies' vibe. Must figure out how to tone that down.

At 12/19/2005 07:20:00 PM, Blogger Twanna A. Hines | said...

It's true!!! I think it's the, "I could give a rat's ass about you" vibe. Men really like it. They do.

I could spend hours getting dressed to the nines and no one would notice. BUT, the morning that I skip the shower and pin my hair back to "just go grab a soy mocha around the corner," I'll see a cutie and he'll smile at me.

At 12/20/2005 05:49:00 AM, Blogger chantedx said...

the vibe you think you give off, and the vibe you do give off, may be two differant things!

At 12/20/2005 07:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of us just prefer women who aren't going to spend most of their lives worrying about their appearance. Honest.

At 12/20/2005 10:23:00 PM, Blogger Baby Girl said...

It's the fact that men aren't on your agenda. You know they come out the woodwork when you don't have time, or are currently involved. It never fails!


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