Greetings from Worldcon....
Yay, Worldcon! Yay! So here are my thoughts: 1. I see black people! Four of 'em, besides me! Oh, wait, three--the fourth just changed a trashbag, so unless he's feelin' real helpful, I don't think he's here for the Con. And, like, ten Asian people! Yay! 2. Conditioner! For a group of people so obviously inclined to have hair as long (or at least creative) as possible, wherever that hair will grow, the attendees here could use some instruction in the use of conditioner. Dang. I'm just sayin', Worldcon '05 organizers, consider partnering up with Pantene for a sponsorship deal or something. Maybe there could be some little freebie packets at the member table, and perhaps a Paul Mitchell hairshow-style demonstration booth alongside the NASA table next time....(I think I may be a lipstick-SF-ian, which would be like a lipstick lesbian, but not.) 3.Panels are interesting, but sometimes the moderators become scary control freaks who shout down the other panelists and change topic whenever they disagree, and that is a bit stank. I guess that's what happens when you give us fringe personality types a measure of control... 4. Free WiFi! Which I am going to quit now, because even as we speak I am sure someone is trying to hack into my 'puter to steal my dirty stories... I mean, yes, I have a firewall, but you can never be too careful with these things. So, bye!
Sounds like you are having fun...
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