
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

More from the AYFKM?!? files

Why did I see a second grader with an iPod today? An eight-year-old does not--I repeat, NOT--need $300 worth of top of the line digital equipment to listen to his...his.... Hang on. What in the hell does an eight-year-old listen to, anyway? 'Cause I can't think of a damned thing on the radio he should be allowed to hear. (And the sanctity of the iPod should not be violated by Disneyfied crap.) And we wonder why yout's today have issues.


At 12/15/2004 01:54:00 AM, Blogger Tiffany said...

An iPod... an 8-year-old...? Shouldn't that be, like, a crime or something? But just for future reference, should you have another run-in with another technologically inflated wonderkid, just pay another 8-year-old to start spreading some rumor like, "Only kids who pee their pants listen to iPods." You'd be doing a great service... mostly to their parents' wallet.

At 12/15/2004 11:03:00 AM, Blogger Mary said...

When my son was 8, he listened to Aaron Carter.


He's almost 11 and there is no way in heezy he will even sniff an iPod much less get his own.

At 12/15/2004 05:35:00 PM, Blogger deborah said...

Wrong. Just Wrong.


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