
Friday, May 06, 2005


This album has brought me such joy in the last 48 hours. I do hope Scott Weiland keeps his shit together. The music world I think is a better place with his voice in it. This film made me want to alternately giggle and gag last weekend, and if you can see it now, do: apparently an American remake is already in the works. You know, because Americans can't handle all that reading at the bottom of the screen and shit for young, attractive Europeans, let alone a middle-aged Korean guy. Or so Hollywood seems to believe. Sigh. Somehow, I don't think the plot will be so well received by the Americans who actually do need to see this with some golden boy as the star, and I predict the plot will either be fucked all to hell with modifications by the time the remake comes out, or it will be very, very unpopular. This book is turning out to be a little too, er, action *waggle brows, nudge-wink, obscene gestures* heavy, and, uh, actual action-light. Not quite disappointing, but I rather enjoyed all the intrigue and fighting in the prior books. Who'da thunk I could be put off by too much of the dirty? I thought I was a dirty little bird. Huh. Okay, I'm going to go out and try to find a way to entertain myself now. You know, away from the compooter.


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