
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Advices.Now with tangy updated flavor!

It's new feature time at Siddity in the City, wheeeeeeeee! Now SitC comes with new advice-y flavor! This is how it will work: I will go to the "mail bag" and select a totally real, certainly-not-me-pretending-to-be-a-reader dilemma and put it to you lovelies. You, should you be so inclined, can post your advices! See? Joy for all, but less actual blogging for me! Er. Anyway, here's our first predicament from "the mail bag." Dear Auntie SitC: The other day my hair stylist called me out of the blue and asked me to dinner. We've never done anything in the past, though he seems to be a real pussycat sweetheart and we've talked about grabbing a bite, so I thought nothing of it. Then, Auntie SitC, he dropped a bomb: he wants dinner to be a date. Up until that very moment, I thought he was maybe just a little bit "the gay!" Now I've already said yes and don't know what to do. I mean, he's a doll, and a great stylist, and could even be a friend, but I don't think I'll ever see him as a big old hunk of man-meat, owing to that whole seemingly-gay thing. Help! Yeah, so, uh, y'all get on it. Preferably before 4 because that's when he's supposed to call to confirm. Um, or so I read, in a section of the letter that, uh, has been edited out. Er. *banging head on keyboard* In other semi-related news, after a month of hemming and hawing, I've finally decided not to sleep with the boy! Which naturally means there's a good chance I'll do just that before the week is out. You know, 'cause now the pressure is off. Jeebus. Someone save me from myself. UPDATE: Our, uh, reader informs me that she learned her colleague was sick at the last minute and had to work, anyway. But she conferred with other knowledgeable blo--er, friends, and decided to just go through with it at some point anyway. I mean, either way she'll need a new stylist, and what could it hurt? And my menstrual cycle has in fact managed to save me from myself as regards the boy. For now. But give me a week. And a half. What? He's really cute. *banging head on keyboard again.* Thanks for the...I mean, our reader thanks you all for the advices!


At 3/27/2006 03:35:00 AM, Blogger deborah said...

ummm not sure if i made the 4pm deadline or not cause of the australia thing. but here goes:

1. go to dinner. may be is "the gay" and wants someone to be his mothers child. and even if you don't it will be good writing fodder. i can already see it "the day my gay hairstylist asked me out to dinner"

2. and boys can be fun - when you havent been with the same one for 7 years. ahem *bangs head on keyboard*

so umm go forth and have fun i reckon!

At 3/27/2006 09:41:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She could just tell him that she didn't know it was going to be a date situation and she'd rather not have things go bad and lose her favorite stylist. Easier said than done though, I 'spose.

At 3/27/2006 12:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just say no, dahlink. Keep open space in your life for your true heart's desire. . . .
--Divine M

At 3/27/2006 02:04:00 PM, Blogger K. said...

It's not really worth risking your hairstylist unless you're even somewhat interested in him in "that" way. I would either politely bow out or say up front "this is NOT in anyway a date," so let's just party. But it's already Monday, so I'm sure your... reader... has come up with a solution.

At 3/27/2006 08:59:00 PM, Blogger Viv said...

Oh hell. I missed the deadline long ago. But I have one adage, and it's the same view I have about coworkers hooking up: "Don't shit where you eat."

Honestly, if it went to hell, who would do you hair then?

At 3/27/2006 09:42:00 PM, Blogger Shasta MacNasty said...

I'm way did this...person...eve respond to say what had happened?

At 3/28/2006 03:58:00 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Posts like these are why I love you, I mean, your reader(s) so much! And I love when Aunt Dot comes and hates on the parade.


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