
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yo, 'sup?

Man, I got stuff to deal with. And lately, I've been dealing by cooking. So no handy-dandy posts have been forthcoming. And I'm just Maybe I'll get over it. Maybe I'll take one of those hiatuses people are so fond of. It's been a very chill week. I worked almost all of last week, so there was no joy to be had, but this week? Many days off. I went crazy on the LES with the Stolinator on Monday, complete with unsolicited molestations from bar staff, and I went to the NY International Auto Show today. Went with the family this time. Pics to come, but really, just the usual suspects: Aston Martin Vanquish, Maserati Quattroporte, concept vehicles, blah blah blah. And nothing nearly as exciting as last year's Cuntmobile. My BFF is visiting from D.C. this weekend, too, and I have the whole weekend off, so there will be silence, very likely beginning Friday. But perhaps there will be exciting postery when I return! It will be dorktastic, promise. Plus, there's that whole Eagles of Death Metal concert situation Sunday night. So you may get a nonsensical post-groove-high blog then. Otherwise, chiddlers, enjoy your week!


At 4/20/2006 08:31:00 AM, Blogger Twanna A. Hines | said...

Besides the molestation, I had sooo much fun on Monday!! And, yeah, you're right, "molestation" is the only word to describe what that man did. What a goofball!

At 4/20/2006 10:33:00 AM, Blogger K. said...

Have fun at EoDM! They were just in Chicago and I missed 'em! Boo! I just read an interview with Josh Homme and he said that EoDM audiences are like QOTSA audiences "without the mean drunk person" I hope to prove him wrong someday.

At 4/21/2006 11:41:00 PM, Blogger Daisy Mae said...

Well I hope you are made me HUNGRY! Here it is late at night and I made the mistake of checking out the rest of your food pictures after I checked out that deeee-lish pic of your roast. Now I want to make some pumpkin soup topped with chicken bits and apple slices among other foods.

Girl you have GOT to share the recipe for that roast and the braised ribs. Talent like that needs to be shared!


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